Friday, July 31, 2009

Player Profile: Robbie Brennan

Name: Robbie Brennan

Nothing strange, Robbie, Bobby, Knobby, you get the idea

Age: 18

Club: Formerly St. Kilians

Years Playing:
About 1 and a half

Playing Position:
Wherever, most recently cutter

Standout Ultimate Memory:
Being voted player of the tournament in both irish national schools ultimate champs:)

Favourite Ultimate Player: Gotta be chris stokes, got me into the game and taught me everything

How have you found the summer so far?
Frustrating not being able to play with the hamstring, but glad im finally back

Whats been the hardest thing for you over the last few months?
standing on the sideline, being in the group of "guys who cant run cos they're injured"

What are you looking forward to most in Austria? the badge, the occassion and the swedish womens team

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